
One- stop FMC License & CBP Customs Filings

FMC License & Registration

Obtain U.S Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Licenses, OTI-NVOCC Bond, CBP Customs Bond and ACE Filing System all at once.


Gol Solution

About FMC licenses

The FMC license, required by the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission, is necessary for businesses acting as Ocean Transportation Intermediaries (OTIs) before starting operations. This applies to both exports and imports.

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U.S. CBP Compliance

One-stop solution provider for U.S Licensed NVOCCs

Everything you need to be a Licensed NVOCCs for United States



OTI Bond (Ocean Transportation Intermediary Bond) is a financial guarantee issued by bond sureties to NVOCCs, ensuring financial capability for FMC license eligibility. Get the best premium for OTI-BOND with G.O.L advisory

FMC License

FMC License NVOCCs can issue their House Bill of Lading (HBL) and sign direct service contract with ocean carriers. Mitigate freight crisis with G.O.L 10- day registration process.

U.S. CBP Customs Bond

Type 5 and Type 10 Customs Bond required for NVOCCs filing ACE and ISF with U.S. Customs (CBP)
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The enterprise's HBL form must be registered with the FMC. Customers provide the HBL form to GOL for consultation before registration. The registration process takes 10 days.

ACE and ISF Filing System

Streamline Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) and ISF (Importer Security Filing) Filings with G.O.L's and Portal.

One-stop U.S CBP Compliance Solution

Trusted by NVOCCs

NVOCCs around the world who trusted our solution

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Genuine Feedback - Commitment to Quality

We take pride in the positive feedback from our customers, reflecting the quality of our services and our commitment to delivering the best value for you.

"FMC registration and renewal support is dedicated, with a user-friendly AMS system and clear instructions. Shipment status is updated transparently, and the support team responds promptly."

Mai Lan Anh Export Doc

"Since partnering with GOL, we have significantly reduced both costs and time in our logistics operations. The consulting team consistently provides timely and professional support, ensuring a smooth and efficient process."

Thuy Duong Assistant Manager

"I am very satisfied with how quickly and efficiently the company handles requests. The support team is enthusiastic and makes everything easier."

Le Nguyen Nhu Y Documentation Manager

"Professional service from consultation to post-sales support. The staff is friendly and ready to address any issues promptly."

Tong Van Anh customer service

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