
How To Search FDA Registration Number

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How To Search FDA Registration Number? The method for searching an FDA Registration Number varies based on the type of product. The FDA maintains databases for medical device and drug establishment registrations, but there is no online searchable database for food facility registrations.

Let’s explore with GOL step-by-Step Instructions to Search for an FDA Registration Number

Food Facility Registration Number

How to Find a Food Facility Registration Number Online

Since there is no publicly available database, it is not possible to find your food facility registration number online. However, if you are the owner of the facility, you can contact the FDA directly to obtain your registration details.

If you need assistance with the FDA registration number search, please contact us. We will provide you with step-by-step instructions at no cost. There is no fee for this service.

FDA Medical Device Registration and Device Listing number

Step-by-Step Instructions to Search for a Medical Device Registration Number

  1. Go to the following link:
    FDA Medical Device Registration
  2. Search by Company Name or Product Name:
    Use the search fields to enter the company name or product name. Refer to the example screenshot for guidance.
  3. Find Establishment Registration and Device Listing Information:
    After performing the search, you will find establishment registration and device listing information. Note that you may not be able to see device listing numbers if they are tagged as confidential.


FDA Medical Device Registration


FDA Drug Establishment Registration Search

Registration Search: Step-by-Step Instructions to Search for a Drug Establishment Registration Number

  1. Click on the following link:
    FDA Drug Establishment Registration Search
  2. Enter the Company Name:
    Type the company name in the query box.
  3. View Results:
    After performing the search, the name of the establishment, address, and validity of the registration will appear.

Please note that the above database is only for drug establishment searches.

List Of FDA Approved Drugs

If you are looking for FDA-approved drug products, you can find them at the following link:

FDA Drug Approval Database

For additional information on FDA drug registration searches, you can refer to the Orange Book.

If you are unsure about how to find registration information for your product or facility, please contact us for assistance.


List Of FDA Approved Drugs

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